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Small Things that Make Age Over Long


Who would not want to live longer? Longevity means an opportunity to enjoy a longer life. Perhaps you would expect, the little habits that you do actually lead you achieve a longer life.

The average human being is generally up to 60-80 years old. Very rare humans who can live to 90 or 100 years more, but it is not impossible you can achieve it.

Advances in technology, health, education, prevention and treatment of disease-specific treatment may be able to manipulate and make someone have a longer life.

But you'll be surprised to know that all that can be achieved only with simple habits and not so important what you might do every day.

Based on recent studies of longer life is quoted from Prevention, Monday (10/8/2009), there are 14 signs someone is likely to achieve longevity.

1. You were born when you were young mothers
Based on research from the University of Chicago, a young mother still has the egg very well to fertilization, which allows to produce healthier children, stronger and live longer.

2. Your tea lovers
More than 40,500 women and men in Japan involved a study of the effects of tea consumption showed the risk to health heart disease and stroke are lower than those who seldom consume tea.

3. You prefer to walk rather than ride a vehicle
The people who fit always put on foot, whether it was just for lunch or go to the mall. 30-minute walk every day will extend life, according to a study of 2603 women and men.

4. You avoid fizzy drinks
The researchers in Boston found that those who drink soda every day increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease and other metabolic disorders. Juice would be healthier for your body.

5. You have a strong leg
According to Robert Butler, MD, of the International Longevity Center-USA in New York City, those with leg muscles are weak not expected to live long because it is easy on the bones of complications.

6. You eat purple food
Fruits such as grapes, blueberries and other foods rich purple polyphenol very good for reducing heart disease, Alzheimer's and improve the ability of brain cells.

7. Including adolescents with your ideal weight and healthy
A study in the Journal of Pediatrics 137 involving African and American say that they are overweight at the age of 14 years and over have a risk of diabetes doubled during adult life.

8. You like your friends and frequently interact with them
"Good interpersonal relationships act as a contrarian stress and balancing your life," says Micah Sadigh, PhD, a psychologist from Cedar Crest College. Having people who support you will make you healthier physically and mentally. Those who stress resistance will have a weak body and can shorten to 4-8 years of age.

9. You love a challenge
"When you feel challenged to do something, your attention will be focused and the brain will have greater power, and that could prolong your life," said Robert S. Wilson, PhD, professor of neurological sciences and psychology at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.

10. You do not have a maid at home
Based on a study of 302 adults age 70 and 80 years, just by mopping, washing or cleaning the windows a few hours, one can membakanr 285 calories and reduce the risk of death by 30 percent.


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