California, woman's brain are longer to be able to laugh more than men spontaneously. Researchers have found the reason why women need some time to finally get laughed out loud.
So do not be surprised if a man gives the woman a joke, but the woman was not immediately laughed. Not because the joke is not interesting but because women take longer to get a laugh than men.
Studies show that older women laughed because his brain longer to process things sharply. In their study, researchers conducted brain scans to find differences between male and female brains when given a joke. Researchers want to know the time it takes for men and women to be able to laugh after hearing these jokes.
A cartoon show participants as shown in the benchmark rate jokes. During the movie, the participants' brains are monitored using a brain scanning device. The more brain cells are active during these movies, it means the joke is interesting.
Brain scan results showed, more women using certain parts of the brain than men, especially the front cortex that serves as a place to process language and thought. It causes women need more time to think and think something is funny or not.
In addition to differences in brain activity, she also reportedly had a level of expectation or hope of a low jokes. Unlike a man who was considered a joke is interesting from the beginning.
"Women and men have the distinct nucleus accumbens in the brain. This will affect a person's thoughts to the joke. In women, the nucleus accumbens was larger, which means the longer the joke will be processed in the brain," said Professor Allan Reiss of Stanford University, California, as quoted from Dailymail, Tuesday (2/2/2010).
Although older women react to a joke, but researchers say that women are actually much faster to find a point of humor than men. The results of the study also reported that men and women use humor for two different purposes.
"Men prefer to use humor to criticize or dominate each other, while women tend to use humor to maintain a good relationship and keep well," said Prof Alan.
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