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Hazards of Asbestos Roof House


asbestos roof
Asbestos was widely used for the roof of the house. In the long run continuously inhaled asbestos can cause health risks. Asbestos enters the body through inhalation.

The impact of hazards of inhaling asbestos fibers can not be seen in a short time. Sometimes the symptoms only appear within 20-30 years after exposure to asbestos fibers first time.

As quoted from Health.nsw, Friday (29/1/2010) asbestos fibers are inhaled and enter the lungs can cause Asbestosis (scarring incidence in the lungs), lung cancer and mesothelioma (cancer that attacks membrane mesothelium).

Risk of this disease will increase equal to the number of asbestos fibers are inhaled. Besides the risk of lung cancer due to inhaling asbestos fibers greater than cigarette smoke.

This was caused by asbestos made up of tiny fibers are easily separated, so that if the fibers are flying in the air and inhaled by the body will be harmful to health.

Usually this asbestos fibers can cause health risks if it enters the body through inhalation. The number of small asbestos fibers in the air that is inhaled one moment to breathe will not cause pain.

The average person only inhaled asbestos in a number of very small and low risk to health. several studies have shown that the shape of a sheet of asbestos showed no significant health risks.

People who are at risk to have health problems due to asbestos typically working in mining or industry.

But that does not mean the roof of a house made of asbestos is not dangerous at all, only the risk of disruption health lower. Various forms of asbestos materials to make the level of different health risks.

If the asbestos fibers in a stable form such as sheets and in good condition, then a small health risk. However, if the sheet is already damaged, perforated or wrong in terms of its use, it can menimbilkan higher risk.

Asbestos building materials commonly used as a sheet of cement (fibro), drainage, flue pipes, roofs or other building boards. Starting in the 1960s and 1970s, the asbestos fibers are widely used by the public as roof insulation.

To reduce the exposure of asbestos fibers and to prevent short-term can be done several ways:

1. Spraying water into the sheet of asbestos to prevent soil, dust or fibers flying through the air.
2. Closing the asbestos with plastic sheeting or tarpaulins to avoid exposure to the weather.
3. Preventing child to play on the roof of the house made daria asbestos.
4. Replace the asbestos sheets that have been damaged or perforated.
5. As much as possible to the boundary between asbestos premises of the room in the house.


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