Many people do diet foods by reducing fat and increased protein. The man who wants to have big muscles also intentionally expand the protein in food intake. Though the concept was wrong, the excess protein is precisely the source of the disease for the body.
Protein is necessary to build body muscle, skin tissue, hair, nails and more. But be careful, mostly eating protein could endanger health. There have been many scientific studies that prove the dangers of excess protein for the body.
"The number of proteins that more than 30 percent of calories your body needs can be a health hazard," says Gail Butterfield, PhD, RD, director of Nutrition Studies at the Palo Alto Veterans Administration Medical Center and nutrition experts from Stanford University, as quoted Medicinenet, Friday (29 / 1 / 2010).
Unlike fat cells that can be stored in fat tissue if the excess, the body does not have a place to store excess protein. Therefore, most proteins will be diuban body fat beforehand to be saved. This is the key of the dangers of excess protein.
The more protein that is converted into fat in the body's fat stores to grow, and that means the risk of disease will come from fat, ranging from high cholesterol to heart disease
In the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society is mentioned, the excess protein is bad for the kidneys, liver and causes the body to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Excess protein is also closely linked to osteoporosis and cancer.
Gail says that excess protein can produce compounds that are toxic ketones. These compounds will cause the kidneys work harder to get them out of the body. As a result, the kidneys will need more water and hence dehydration appear.
If the body is dehydrated, weight can be decreased due to muscle and bone mass decreases. As a result, there is the risk of osteoporosis. Dehydration also causes the kidneys to stress and its effects will impact on the heart.
Ketone compounds and dehydration also causes the body to become weak, dizzy, bad breath and others. Protein can also cause allergic reactions, such as dermatitis topic, chilblain, collagen disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Excessive animal protein can damage DNA and cells change into cancer cells.
How much protein your body needs?
According to the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) which created the Food and Nutrition Board, ideally someone needs 0.72 grams of protein for each kilogram of body weight. So if you weight 80 kg, the protein that is required is about 57 grams.
If someone reproduce the consumption of protein without carbohydrate intake, the body will turn protein into glucose that should be the task of producing glucose carbohydrates.
But the changed proteins are not able to build muscle. Needed to build muscle is to exercise regularly with a sufficient protein intake. However, the body still needs protein to mensistesis enzymes, hormones, and others against infection.
For that, you should behave if they want to consume balanced high-protein foods like meat, cheese, milk and eggs.
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