Wisconsin, many men refuse to use condoms for bad reasons and so forth. Whereas women aim to persuade men to use condoms is to prevent transmission of sexually transmitted infections.
According to the American psychologist, he actually wanted to use condoms if the strategy appropriate to offer him. What strategy?
When going to have sex, many women have a dilemma because her partner did not want to wear a condom. And women also have a right to protect themselves from risk of disease, sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, Trichomoniasis, chlamydia, HPV, HIV and so on.
According to Dr Michelle Broaddus from the Medical College of Wisconsin, United States, was a man willing to use condoms when the female partner can take compromise and negotiation with the good.
"If she asked in a subtle, somewhat erotic, seductive and interspersed with jokes, he'd want to use it. But if a woman asks in a rude, yelling, threatening and patronizing, he would have refused," said Dr. Broaddus was quoted as saying by ScienceDaily, Friday (28/1/2010).
Each year, an estimated 19 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections in the United States. Nearly half occurred in the young couple under the age of 25 years. One cause is the high number of low condom use, especially because he is lazy to use a condom.
Dr. Broaddus and colleagues have conducted a study on the effects of negotiation and the approach to the use of female condoms in men. The study, published in the Journal of Sex Roles that reported the results of a survey of 193 couples participating.
Researchers analyzed various strategies and approaches that made women to her male partner in order to use a condom. Strategies include:
1. Technique explained, the woman explained to him about the dangers of sexually transmitted infections and what would happen if you do not use condoms.
2. Threatening techniques, which threatens the woman does not want to do and provide sexual services if her male partner does not want to use condoms.
3. Erotic techniques, namely women sensual approach and said that he would feel very sexy and really enjoyed the male sex if the couple use a condom.
Male participants were then asked about the perception by researchers that some women strategy. Based on survey results, participants admitted he was more interested in and enjoy the use of condoms when the female partner to offer erotic techniques rather than using the technique of explanation let alone a threat.
"This study shows that with the approach and the appropriate negotiation strategy, a man of compromise to be invited to use condoms. Effective communication between partners can lead to safer sex practices and reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections," said Dr. Broaddus.
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